Turbo-Doc and Pen based Laptop:

  • Using a pen based laptop and network connections you may enter patient data while conversing face to face with your patient.  The network connection allows you complete charts and print records from the exam room.  (Fujitsu B Series Lifebook 2131 shown)

Turbo-Doc and Touch Screens:

  • Using TOUCH SENSITIVE screens you may quickly and accurately enter patient information directly into your patients chart on most desktop computers.  The familiarity of the pen as an input device improves speed and accuracy .  (Visit TurboDoc OnLine Store recommended Hardware page)

Pen based Laptop:

  • Using a pen based laptop and wireless network connections you may enter patient data while conversing face to face with your patient.  The wireless connection allows you to roam  from room to room as needed, but still maintain connections with your server and printers.  (Fujitsu 1000 shown)



