Turbo-Doc Features:

NOTE: You may print this  list by selecting the Printer Icon or by selecting File and then selecting Print on your  Web browser.

EVALUATION and MANAGEMENT CODING  (E/M  coding) Turbo-Doc's format allows you to quickly and automatically scan your electronic documents for compliance with Medicare and HCFA E/M  guidelines. 

VOICE RECOGNITION  ENABLED Using  IBM and other Windows based Voice recognition products of your choice you may dictate directly into Turbo-Doc,  capture the data electronically and print patient  records as required.  Turbo-Doc handles the  things Voice Recognition products can't such as  patient names, recalling specific patient record and information and etc.


CHART REVIEW Complete quick review of prior patient visits including labs (optional) ordered by visit date. Turbo-Doc gives the physician access to current chart data as well as access to old chart data. Using chart  review, a doctor can quickly look up any saved  patient information while still with the patient.

PROBLEM LIST Turbo-Doc allows you to maintain separate acute and chronic problem lists for each patient. With a few key strokes the physician may see a complete listing of the patients current and past  problems.

SUPER BILL  Print a patient walkout statement for the current visit. This is a quick list out of the CPT and  ICD-9 codes related to the current visit.

SPECIALTY PHRASE  MODULE   Turbo-Doc may be customized to match the physician's specialty.

TEMPLATES Turbo-Doc includes predefined templates. They are the quickest way to complete a History and  Physical.  Using the computer's mouse or pen the physician simply selects the yes or no box on the screen.  Positive and negative descriptions are presented to further describe the selected area.

MULTI-DOCTOR Each doctor may select and view only their defined active patients.

MEDICATION HISTORY  Patient medication tracking is integrated into each patient record. When new medications are  prescribed they are appended to the medication history and saved.

PRESCRIPTIONS Automated medication rewrites, handwritten Rx and work release forms. Turbo-Doc allows the  physician to create handwritten prescriptions and work release forms using the computer pen. These forms may then be printed or faxed as needed.

MOBILITY  Remote access option available.  Using a remote access program the doctor has access to their patient records from any location in the World.

AUTOMATED LAB AND  X-RAY REQUISITIONS  During the patient visit  the doctor may access list of laboratory and  x-ray tests.  This list is customizable.  A simple  touch of the pen selects one or more tests to be ordered.  When a test is requested, the Impression section of Turbo-Doc is automatically updated and requested tests form is filled out.  This form may be printed, faxed, or given to the patient for  delivery to the lab.

PATIENT EDUCATION  FORMS Turbo-Doc includes standard patient education forms or you may create your own.  The patient education section of Turbo-Doc gives the physician a free form area where these patient education forms may be stored.  One or more of  these forms may be selected for printing and  distribution to the patient.

PROCEDURE CONSENT  FORMS  Automated consent forms may also be customized and printed out.

CUSTOMIZABLE TO THE  INDIVIDUAL PHYSICIAN Use your own words and phrases. Turbo-Doc includes various words and phrases related to the diagnosis and specialty.  The physician has the option to customize their own words and phrases.

URGENT CARE VERSION The Turbo-Doc urgent care version features electronic capture of the patient signature on patient exit forms, tracking of labs, Rx, X-ray,  and patient information.  Multiple staff licensing lowers the cost of running Turbo-Doc on a network with a large doctor staff.

ADMISSION ORDERS  Turbo-Doc allows the doctor to print admitting orders for the patient before they leave the office and/or fax them to the hospital.  Because the patient can now carry their admitting orders with them to the hospital, admission misunderstanding at the hospital are reduced.

DRAW BOX Allows a picture to be added to the History & Physical with the doctors hand written notes added.  Turbo-Doc includes standard pictures and drawings as part of the program.  The physician may add or customize these pictures.


    • ICD-9 codes
    • CPT codes (optional)
    • Referring doctor
    • Drug interaction  (optional)
    • Medication (optional)

NOTES   Include private handwritten notes with the History & Physical using the Turbo-Doc note pad.  The Ypad program gives the physician access to a private notes  area.  These notes are hand written using the computer pen.  They can be printed if needed or simply stored with the patient record for use at a later date.  Shell out to third party software such as Drug interaction, medication databases, or other Windows programs may be accessed from Turbo-Doc. Turbo-Doc is a full Windows based program.  That means it may be run together with other Windows or DOS programs.

NETWORK   Turbo-Doc may be  installed on a network for multi-user  applications.  Using Turbo-Doc on a network gives  the physician's staff access to the patient  record as allowed. Offices with multiple doctors  can share a patient database. This makes covering  your partners patients simple and efficient.  Wireless networks optimize the time savings  offered by Turbo-Doc, and makes using the program  in the office effortless.

EASY TO USE  Turbo-Doc simplifies the physician to computer  interface but maintains the power and flexibility  needed in an active medical practice.  The main working screen follows familiar medical school  History & Physical format.  This is where patient data input is recorded and you will  immediately be comfortable with the system.   Turbo-Doc is designed to be operated with a  minimum of computer knowledge.  Using a familiar tool like a pen instead of typing on a keyboard  saves time and allows the physician to maintain patient contact during the encounter.

PEN BASED   Turbo-Doc uses a familiar tool (the pen) to select words and phrases. Very easy to use. 

TRANSPORTABLE  Turbo-Doc runs on small laptop computers. The doctors may take their patient records with them home, to the hospital, or another office.

SAVE TRANSCRIPTION  COSTS  Turbo-Doc cuts transcription costs.  Save the monthly cost of transcriptions and have instant access to your patient records.  Now you may complete your records while visiting with your patient and immediately print or fax your work-ups.


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Turbo-Doc Medical Record Systems, Inc. 6480 Pentz Rd.  Suite A  Paradise, CA 95969.

Voice 530 877-8650 (9 AM to 5 PM MTWTh and 9 AM to noon on Friday)

E-mail:  TurboDoc@TurboDoc.Com Fax: (530) 877-8621

This page and all contents are Copyrighted ©1999, 2007 by Turbo-Doc.